iSeries (AS/400) RPG4 Advanced Programming & ILE
Detailed Course Content (ISR4A)
Course Content :
RPGIV review and Update
- Be aware of all RPGIV operation codes
- Understand the commodity used built in functions
- Be clear on the course objectives & pre-requisites
- Be able to code Free form Control Statements CTL-
- Be aware of all Free form definition statements DCL-
Files, Variables, Procedures
Date & Time variables plus null capable fields
- Define, initialise and use variable types:
Date, time, timestamo
- Convert non-date variables to date variables
- Manipulate data in true date variables
- Validate the content of a date variable (TEST)
- Convert true date variables to non-date variables
- Define & Use null capable fields:
- Declare and use an Array
- Differentiate between compile & run time arrays
- Provide compile time data
- Use the repeat operation code FOR
- Understand the legacy code DO
- Understand how to use teh array BIF's
- Be aware of legacy op codes: XFOOT, LOKUP
- Sort array content: SORTA
Data Structures
- Define and use a data structure
- Recognise different types and uses of data structures
- Hard code the sub structure of a data structure
- Understand how file information data structures can be used in report programming
- Redefine the sub-structure - OVERLAY
- Duplictae structures with QUALIFIED
- Initialise data structure and sub-structure
- Code and use a program status data structure
- Code and use a file information data structure
- Code free format data structure statements
External and Multiple Definitions
- Retrieve a sub-structure from an external file EXTNAME
- Use other structures: LIKEREC, LIKEDS, QUALIFIED
- Rename sub-structure fields EXTFLD, PREFIX
- Use long field names from external definition ALIAS
- Code and use a multiple occurrence data structure
- Overlay arrays within a data structure
- Use array BIF's %ELEM, %SIZE, %OCCUR
- Understand and replace MOVEA legacy op code
- Sort linked arrays
- Read multi-dimensional arrays & Complex Data structures
- Sort and Search techniques of Data Structure Arrays
Data Areas
- Define and use a data area
- Describe and use the LDA
- Understand and use the operation codes:
- Link Data areas to Data Structures
- Use and declare a user controlled data area
- Free format Data Area Definition Statements
- Soft Code Data Areas
Pointers and Dynamic Storage
- Define and use a pointer variable
- Define storage space at run-time (based)
- Use Dynamic Storage
- Understand and use Dynamic storage commands:
- Declare Variable length & Null terminated strings
Commitment Control
- Understand commitment control requirements
- Understand how Commitment Control works
- Understand when to use commitment control
- Maintain files under commitment-control
- Include commitment control into RPG program
- Use a MONITOR error trap
Sub-procedures and Optional Parameters
- Code a Sub-procedure
- Understand local & global variables
- Understand the need for and code a prototype
- Use the operation code CALLP
- Alternative parameter passing methods:
By reference, Read-only Reference, Value
- Define and use optional parameters:
- Default Activiation Group considerations
- Faster Return Values %PARNUM, RTNPARM
- Code a reusable sub-procedure
ILE Concepts and Introduction
- Relationship between program and module objects
- Dynamic call v Static call
- ILE program and module object information - DSPPGM, DSPMOD
- Convert CLP to CLLE & modules, CL procedure CALL - CALLPRC
- Binding CL and RPG together into a single program
- Update ILE program objects
- Include copyright into module objects
- Application isolation with Activation groups
- Controlling which activation group is used
- Reclaim resources for an activation group
- Bindable API's
RPG Modules
- Bind RPG modules into programs
- Make source code available for interactive debug
- Define active PEP
- Understand export / import concepts
- Using export on sub-procedure definitions
- Define and use NOMAIN modules
- Code Cycle-Main and Linear-Main procedures
- Teraspace storage model v Single-level storage model
Service Programs & Binding Directories
- Bind by copy v Bind by reference
- Service Program creation and Maintenance
- Service Program creation and Maintenance
- Service program exports and Public Interface
- Control Service Program Signatures
- Binding Language and QSRVSRC
- Public and Private procedures
- Binding Directory objects
- Use of Binding Directory to simplify the program creation process
Follow on courses :
add internal power to application programs we reccomend you also consider our
Power RPG with SQL course (ISSQE) and Rational Developer for i (RDi) courses.
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Public schedule |
Feb 25 |
Mar 25 |
Apr 25 |
May 25 |
Jun 25 |
Jul 25 |
Aug 25 |
Sep 25 |
Oct 25 |
Nov 25 |
Dec 25 |
Jan 26 |
We can run this course just for you - at our locations, a local hotel, or on your site. Please ask for details. |
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