PRINCE2 (R) Agile Foundation and Practitioner Certificates in Agile Project Management

5 days - PPMP2AGFP 



This five-day course provides delegates with a thorough understanding of the PRINCE2 Agile® guidance. During the course we introduce the PRINCE2 methodology and concepts of common agile ways of working, discuss the purpose and context for blending PRINCE2 and the agile way of working, evaluate the focus areas to a project in an agile context, fix and flex the six aspects of a project in an agile context, and be able to apply or tailor the PRINCE2 for a project in an agile context. All relevant course materials are provided, including the official publication PRINCE2 Agile.


There are no formal prerequisites for this course, but learners would benefit from some experience of working in projects prior to attendance.
  • You will be provided with a number of short activities to complete, including access to QA's interactive video-based learning, which will help you prepare for the course. These activities are expected to take approximately six hours to complete (although you may wish to spend longer to help you prepare more effectively) and are based on QA's PRINCE2 Foundation Pre course work - you will not need the PRINCE2 Manual.
  • Click here to view the minimum technical system requirements that are required to access QA's video-based learning.
  • The benefits of pre-course reading are outlined in this short, entertaining animation:


  • Understand the concepts of common agile ways of working.
  • Understand the purpose and context for combing PRINCE2 and the agile way of working.
  • Be able to apply and evaluate the focus areas to a project in an agile context.
  • Be able to fix and flex the six aspects of a project in an agile context.
  • Be able to apply or tailor the PRINCE2 themes, processes and management products for a project in an agile context.
  • To prepare delegates for the PRINCE2 Agile Foundation and Practitioner exams.
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