ADO.Net for Developers Part 1 - ADO1


Course Outline
ADO.NET is Microsoft’s latest technology for accessing data from various sources, and is a central part of the .NET framework. The ADO.NET Part 1 training course from ATS begins with fundamentals like the ADO.NET Object Model and proceeds sequentially to more advanced topics. Expert instructors show you how to use ADO.NET to connect with data sources and access and modify data. At the conclusion of this course, you will be familiar with connection objects, command objects and the other objects and classes that comprise ADO.NET. (Bundle of 8 CD-Rom Multimedia modules).

Module 1

Section A: Getting Started with ADO.NET Introduction Using Form Wizard
Create Connection
Select DataSet
DataSet Relationship
Set up Form
Run Form

Section B: Data Form Wizard
Code Examine
Code Typed DataSet
XML Schema Info Typed
DataSet Code Form
Wizard Objects

Section C: DataAdapter Configuration
DataAdapter Properties
Configuration Wizard
SQL Select Statement
Advanced Options

Section D: Evolution and Benefits

Section E: ADO.NET Object Model
Connected Objects
Disconnected Objects
Data Provider
Objects Connected
Provider Objects
Data-Caching Objects
Typed DataSet
DataAdapter Object

Section F: Connection Strings
Connection String Create
Connection SQL
OleDB Microsoft Jet Database
Connection Code

Section G: Data Links
Create UDL
Add References
DataLink Code

Section H: Jet Connections
Unsecured Connection
User-level Security
Database Password Jet Connection Code

Module 2
Section A: SqlClient Provider
Integrated Security
SQL Authentication
SQL Connection
Code Invalid Syntax

Section B: Connection Events
StateChange Handler
StateChange Code
ODBC .NET Data Provider
Reference ODBC DLL
Create DSN Use DSN

Section C: Other Connections
Excel Spreadsheet
Excel Connection Code
Oracle Database
My SQL Database

Section D: Connection Pooling
Closing Connections
SQL Server Profiler
Disable Pooling
Perfmon Connections

Section E: Retrieving Schema Information GetOleDbSchema
Table Retrieval
Code Saving
Connection Strings
Save Options
Web Connections
Web Conf File
App Settings
App Variables

Section F: Command Classes
Command Objects
Create Command
Object Constraints Class
ExecuteNonQuery Method
Execute DML Query
Execute DDL Query
Execute Method
Execute Scaler Method

Section G: DataReader
DataReader Efficiency
Method Type-specific
Method Get Values
Method Multiple Results
Sets Schema Info
Multiple DataReaders

Module 3
Section A: Calling Stored Procedures
Basic SP Query
Passing Parameters
Setting Up Parameters
Use OleDB Namespace
Multiple Namespaces
Using Interface Inheritance

Section B: Output Parameters & ASP Binding
SP with Output
Working with Output Parameters
Data Binding in ASP.NET
Bind to DataReader
Fill DataGrid Controls

Section C: DataSets & DataTables
Using DataSet DataTable Objects
Retrieving Data
Add a DataRow

Section D: Filling with a DataAdapter
Retrieve Product List
Create DataAdapter
Create Query
Fill Method Multiple Result Sets
Using DataAdapter Tablemapping

Section E: Retrieving Schema Info
View Schema Info
Data Columns
Schema AddwithKey

Section F: DataSets and XML Using XML
GetXML Method
Write XML Method
ReadXML Method
Display IE

Section G: Apply Constraints
Defining Constraints
Using Constraints Primary Key
Clearing DataSet
Fill Method Options
Adding Constraints
Primary Key Constraints

Section H: Merging DataSets
Merge Method
Add Primary Key
Merge without PK
Merge with PK

Module 4

Section A: Calling Stored Procedures
Basic SP Query
Passing Parameters
Setting Up Parameters
Use OleDB Namespace
Multiple Namespaces
Using Interface Inheritance

Section B: Output Parameters & ASP
Binding SP with Output
Working with Output Parameters
Data Binding in ASP.NET
Bind to DataReader
Fill DataGrid Controls

Section C: DataSets & DataTables
Using DataSet
DataTable Objects
Retrieving Data
Add a DataRow

Section D: Filling with a DataAdapter
Retrieve Product List
Create DataAdapter
Create Query Fill Method
Multiple Result Sets
Using DataAdapter

Section E: Retrieving Schema Info
View Schema Info
Data Columns Schema

Section F: DataSets and XML Using XML
GetXML Method
Write XML Method
ReadXML Method
Display IE

Section G: Apply Constraints
Defining Constraints
Using Constraints
Primary Key
Clearing DataSet
Fill Method Options
Adding Constraints
Primary Key Constraints

Section H: Merging DataSets
Merge Method
Add Primary Key
Merge without PK
Merge with PK

Module 5

Section A: Using Stored Procedures
Create SPs Assign Command
Execute NonQuery
Create Stored Procedure
Perform Insert
Create SQLCommand
Object Update with DataAdapter
Perform Delete

Section B: Complex Updating Overview
Delete Issues
Performing Updates Concurrency
Checking Update
DataSet Merge & Accept
Update Data Source

Section C: Creating Typed DataSets
Using DataSets
Strongly Typed DataSets
Multiple DataAdapters
Using DataSets
Investigate Class
Class View
Use Typed DataSet
Using Typed DataSets

Section D: Untyped DataSets
Typed DataSet
Find Values
Modify DataSets
Add Row to DataSets
Working with Null Values
Navigate Relations
Using GetProductsRows

Section E: Typed DataSet
Issues DataBinding
DataBinding Properties
Convert DataSets
Annotations Benefits & Drawbacks

Price £795 (Bundle of 5)

Complementary Courses
ADO.Net for Developers Part 2
ADO.Net for Developers Bundle Series

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